The Databases
A range of products has been designed to provide historical data on wind, waves, and sea level that have been calibrated and validated with instrumental measurements. IHData comprises the following main databases
GOW: Oceanic Waves at global/regional scale.
DOW: Coastal Waves at high spatial resolution.
SeaWind: RegionalOffshore winds.
SeaWind-HR: Coastal winds at high spatial resolution.
GOS: Coastal meteo-induced sea level (storm surges).
GOT: Hourly time series of astronomical tide.
IHData include different variables that have the objective to characterise the marine climate. So the main variables are the wind, waves and sea level that have been calibrated and validated with instrumental measurement. But other variables have been included because complement the climate information in the coast and marine environment. The other variables are the sea surface and air temperature, salinity, marine currents, etc.

Wind Data
Offshore wind data are important for many purposes. Offshore winds themselves condition shipping hazards and have the potential to be…

Wave Data
Wave data are important in the offshore industry and coastal engineering. Wave data are used in the evaluation of wave energy resources, wave climate variability, definition of operable conditions in shipping routes, …

Sea Level Data
Sea level can be defined as the level of the surface of the ocean, however sea level is always changing. The main cause of sea level change is…

Other databases
Useful variables associated to the coast and marine environment (currents, salinity, sea surface temperature, etc)